速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / American Standard Version Free -Offline

American Standard Version Free -Offline





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:South Holland The Netherlands

American Standard Version Free -Offline ASV Pro(圖1)-速報App

Jesus is our Lord and King and He is the word made flesh. American Standard Version (ASV) Free Bible and Complete Offline Version for free download and to share with friends and in the church. We have so many church services today.

Christians are seeking God to know Him. The Bible is one way of knowing God and His word. God is love and His love endures forever.

Having a complete offline bible at your fingertips during sermon when the preacher is sharing God’s word is great.

American Standard Version Free -Offline ASV Pro(圖2)-速報App

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